FAQ Category: Personal Injury
If you had automobile insurance, it may be possible to pursue a claim under the underinsured motorist provision of your policy (UIM). However, such…
Absolutely. One potential option is to pursue the other driver personally in the absence of insurance coverage. However, this option is often not…
Absolutely. However, any recovery will be reduced by the percentage of your own negligence. For example, if you were truly 30% at fault in causing…
Yes. The driver who caused the accident is responsible for payment of a car rental up to a certain amount per day. Even if you do not rent a car,…
Yes. At Fortune & McGillis, no fee is typically charged on a claim for property damage as a result of a motor vehicle accident in which a…
The underlying idea in personal injury/tort claims is to make the injured person, who has no fault in causing his injury, “whole.” Although…
If your claim is small enough, you may not need an attorney. However, even small claims can involve complex issues. An attorney can maximize the…